Classic Paper in Optimization

An interior algorithm for nonlinear optimization that combines line search and trust region steps


Dominique Orban


June 15, 2017

Google announced today that my paper An interior algorithm for nonlinear optimization that combines line search and trust region steps is among the top cited papers published in 2006 in optimization.

The paper appeared in Mathematical Programming and concerns extensions of the frighteningly effective KNITRO solver, now known as Artely KNITRO.

KNITRO’s main competitor in the continuous optimization arena is arguably the highly-successful open-source solver IPOPT by Andreas Wächter. IPOPT tops the list of most-cited papers in optimization in 2006, according to Google’s ranking.

Andreas is now faculty at Northwestern University, where I held a post-doctoral appointment at the time I co-authored the KNITRO paper.

As it happens, I currently share an office with Charles Audet, who also authors one of the most-cited papers that year.

At the time of this writing, Google only published the most-cited papers for 2006. Presumably, other years will follow.